If no steps are missing, file this diagram into employee handbook so new employees can use it as a referenceīegin making your own use case diagrams today and help document key processes for your business. Enterprise users expect the highest level of stability, security and availability, but it is also easy-to-use.
Use this 'use case diagram' once in a dry run and see if any steps are missing
Check with project manager/workers to see if any steps are missing Write down the steps which need to be taken for this project Choose the Project you need to make a use case for Great way to crystallize/have written procedures on how to proceed for certain business situations how users (or actors) interact with a system, such as a software application. Simplified Method of visualising procedures/process maps Use Visio to create UML use case diagrams. Useful way of knowledge transfer and having written procedures Use case diagrams are a great way to train new employees on how to handle situations in your business, and valuable experience is never lost even if a employee decides to resign. Use case diagrams are a useful way to map out all the different scenarios a business can face and have proper procedures for every type of scenario for employees to follow.
Create multiple use cases diagrams using our diagram software today.